Art and I...
As far back as I can remember, expressing myself was always a challenge. Getting my thoughts to reach another's ears was like putting my voice through a blender; the original thought always came out of my mouth mangled and almost unrecognizable from the original product. Eventually, I found out I could more clearly express my thoughts and ideas through art. Art has become my language. I'm much better at showing the things in my head than telling them. I like to think that my art is a reflection of myself, that it speaks for me.
Even beyond communication, art has been so many things for me: an escape, a diary, a friend, and a motivator. Through my art I learned how to overcome many of my fears and anxieties. It saved my life. After going most of my life only knowing how to hate myself and feel inferior, art taught me to be self-confident and love myself.
Much like myself, my art is constantly changing. As a result, I couldn't say what my style is. I have too much fun exploring new ideas and medias. Even though this has its drawbacks, it's a flow I can't go against and it's an adventure. There's no telling what I'll learn and what's going to inspire me next. All I know is that my life will always be filled with art.
- Lucian Kuranz