Commission Form

I see you’d like to commission me! Fantastic! Fill out all the fields below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can to give you a quote and let you know if I have time. Just a heads-up, after I’ve agreed to your commission I do typically require full payment (via PayPal) up front or half up front and half once the preliminary sketch is finished. Generally, I like to keep in contact throughout the creation of your commission so I know it’s coming out how you want it to, but I can go full steam ahead without buggin’ ya if that’s what you prefer!

I also like to share finished commissions on my social media sites (as well as this website), but if you’re not comfortable with that for any reason please let me know. Alternatively, if you’re cool with all that, you can give me your username if you like (for Instagram, Tumblr, and/or DeviantArt) and I’ll make sure to tag you when I post your commission so it’s easier for you to find!

If you’re unsure about something or have a general question, please head here and ask me any ol’ thing!